Life is a rollercoaster

It was that day where every day was same to me whether I was having my school holidays or semester break. The day where other people have fix things to do while I just enjoy my time doing whatever I want. Where I can describe every day of it as lifeless. Yes. It’s the day where I hope it’ll be my every day. Living alone in the house from standard six till now are nothing to me. No problem at all. I love it. When there is no one at home and you can do anything you want. Singing out loud, watching dramas or ever laughing out loud hideously. And when evening arrives, my family one by one come back home. And go to their room. And sleep. And the next day I woke up they had gone to work again. Every day is the same. Until I don’t realize what day is today.
You know everyone has a choice. Either to live the same way every day or to get out of their comfort zone. And I’ve choose to live the same way. Because I was too coward and have no confidence in getting out of my comfort zone. But as I grew much older and more mature I’ve realize that what did I do for the whole 20 years of my life? No good memories no experience and nothing was memorable enough for me to cherish it in my life. I barely make friends with my neighbor who had the same age with me even though when we were in primary school we used to play a lot. So to get out of the house to just walking to the park or mamak was hard enough for me. I was an ‘antisocial’ and ‘nerds’ when I was in my primary years. It is not that I’m not being friend with people, it’s just that I’m too ugly and low standard to being friend with. I guess so. The people who being friend with me is just to take advantage of me who had ‘handsome’ older brother and the boy next door who really famous in school whom used to play with my brother and I during kindergarten years. Or maybe it was my personality that was really sucks. I just don’t know why I don’t have any close friend during that time. If I were given a chance to go back to the past, I will definitely change my past when I was in my primary school years. Many thing happened and made me regrets till today. But what can I do? Regrets will just be regrets. And what happened will just be memories in my life. But Allah knows better.
My primary years was not memorable enough for me but thank god during my high school years many thing happened and it was really memorable and made me more mature enough to face the world. But as long as you live, new things will happened and it will not end the process of learning for your life. I just want to say here is that you only live once in this world and will be resurrected in the hereafter. So live your life to the fullest and don’t be scared to do anything you want. Don’t be like me. Just be brave to face this reality. But I’m sorry to say that this reality was too harsh. The fact that you have to be fake in order to blend yourself with everyone around you and the fact that every people are stereotyping each other even though they say do not judge the book by its cover are just tiring. Can’t we just live a normal and happy life? But, define yourself what normal and happy are. Without black there is no white and without knowing what is bad, you don’t know what is good meant for. And that’s how life is meant to be.
truly from:DIC MEMBER


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