What Diet!
Salam and hello guys…
It’s been a long day to get back in writing my beloved blog.
Ermm ucuk ucuk anje my blog! Please don’t get mad to me! I know you miss me a lot! Haha
Orite,so this time what I am going to write about? Ok the hint is “food”
yess food! Please don’t get angry to me if your stomach is empty right now! Iam saying
it bcoz iam afraid your hunger will #kecam me..and haunting my night..gosh u so
scary! haha just kidding! Chill chill ok,if u feel hungry means that my blog
very persuasive! and for sure impactful!
Move on, just straight to the point bcoze I have more and
more assignment to do rather than joking around here ok!
Fyi, I have been in Melaka with my family during last
deepavali. Yezz I know, I have been updated about Melaka for my last recent
blog.Yes, true true!! But that’s with my friend, and for this time I went with
my family. It cannot be the same and for sure my food hunting gonna be so
Yelah, u go with mak ayah, the taste bud between old and
youth so different beb! ( my father and mother will mad at me for sure! Please mom
don’t read my blog..ngehee)
Proceed with the food..This would like tempting your sensory! Watch
out! don’t let your saliva leleh at your screen phone or laptop! muahahaha!
So firstly before we arrived to the Melaka, we stop at the GULAI DAGING SALAI,NEGERI 9
cannot letgo my sambal belacan,nyums! complete my taste and it was really superb!
( this only pic that i got)
can u see what i got at the jonker walk! huaaaa!! i want to cry beoz i am craving it right now!
this is what we call "HONEY PASSION FRUIT"
This really calm me down from the hectic night! thank goodness
I am swearing the taste,was sooo good! just nice and very important no sugar at all! just trust to the sweet of ur honey!
(regret iam not bring my true honey..haha)
ok thats all!! eh ehhhh..
wait,this is Melaka! dont live as u at KL! oh come on! my stomach kind like not fully satisfied! lets go proceed to the next checkpoint!
wait,this is Melaka! dont live as u at KL! oh come on! my stomach kind like not fully satisfied! lets go proceed to the next checkpoint!
Are you serious?? market?? haha..please its not me to handle this kind of work!
(please my mother in-law do not read my blog, iam begging!!)
Of course not market! its a SEAFOOD PLACE!! yesss!! really excited! iffah right now u just typing, please dont go tooo excited! come to your sense! back to reality ( uhukss feeling..)
look at this amazing table!!! look deeply guys! are u tempting right now?
idk why iam writing this blog!! why???
the sambal top of the fish body!! bye bye fish! u look good with red dressing
Thank you mr burner, you soo handsome! please stay healthy becoz i want to eat here again! hahaha
So if ualls want to join me in being the happiest ever person,can just visit this food place! ( person who have allergies seafood,please dont eat here! iam warn you! dont ever dare to go)
so this is the end of my first night...ZZZ..
Next day, in the early morning!! yes ofcoz subuh first! haha but at the same time praying that today i will get to eat as much as i can! so please Allah dont let my stomach do the nonsense thing..please accept my duas! hee
After all of my family finish makeup, dress up, spraying perfume..ok dont forget #ootd haha..then we got to go to finding the breakfast place..wuhuuu!
Look at how my charismatic ROTI CANAI ARANG!!
cant wait to be with u!! wait there sayangss ('s' for more roti canai, hiks!)
can i have this everyday? so yummy!! why such thing exist in this world! omooo..
Side dish for me..haha
whatever your name is, but i love you! love so much!
ok after the sound bergkkk, i got to remind myself to stop..haha..So we decide to take a cruise at Melaka before continue to our lunch...MasyaAllah you just done ur breakfast,why u start to think about lunch! god,please save me from this nikmat dunia!
Actually iam so excited to cruise around Melaka, becoz i love to look at scenery! its kind like finding my own space to have peace..freaking love it :)
Tq my oppo A37!! You did a good job!
ok,lets move on to our Lunch!! yeahhh!!
Come bebehh!!
Zoom out the ASAM PEDAS JR !!
Me having heart broken while blogging! why why!! you so good!
iam just warn my saliva from gulp gulp!! huhuhu
too cute too handle,oh my nasi and telur masin, you two look good together! muah!
the cucumber is penyibuk..lols
Ok thats all for my trip to Melaka! I think this is the best visit ever, as long as you with family it will be fun! ( actually we go with our cousins but they just look over lovey dovey with their own partners!! humphhh
just take my sorry ok..hehe)
Truly,I really hate someone who hate to spend time with family! dont give me your low standard kind of excuse! busy....my family not good as yours...no money,,,phuihhh..you suck beb!
At least, you must try you best my dear.Your family is yours,that cannot be others..Yes i know, spending time with friend is cool but you look even cooler in your family. Trust me! Find the best time to have fun with family, you goona miss this moment future..
Lastly, i make the name list for the place that i stop by at Melaka..You can see it, and google for more info tq
1) Daging Salai sabak Salai ( daging salai)
2) Jonker Walk (honey passion fruit)
3) Seri Muara Alai Hj.Nasir Ikan Bakar (seafood)
4) Roti Canai Arang (roti tampal telur arang)
4) Asam Pedas JR ( asam pedas)
Notes: please google or waze the place first otherwise you will lost the track! have a nice visit everybodehhh
After eating go to diet! I hate that most! haha
Love, iffah
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